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Can the body create its own DMT?

What is DMT?

DMT, or dimethyltryptamine (also known as “the spirit molecule”), is a powerful and naturally occurring psychedelic compound.

It belongs to the tryptamine family of chemicals and is structurally similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood regulation and various bodily functions.

Effects of DMT

DMT is known for its intense and relatively short-lasting psychedelic effects, which typically include:

  • Vivid visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Altered perceptions of time and space
  • Profound mystical or otherworldly experiences

Can our body create DMT?

A recent review looked at many studies from 1955 to 2010 that aimed to measure psychedelics that are created endogenously: substances that are produced or generated within the body or organism itself.

The review’s authors concluded that there’s strong evidence that humans create DMT and 5-OH-DMT, but the data about 5-MeO-DMT is not as clear.

Is DMT creation influenced by external factors?

Different diets, antibiotics, and medications don’t appear to affect the levels of DMT in humans.

This suggests that DMT is likely produced within the body and not coming from eating plants, gut bacteria, or medicines.

How does the body create DMT?

The presence of the enzyme INMT that converts tryptamine into DMT in different parts of the body, suggests that DMT can be found in various tissues where INMT is expressed.

Tryptamine is a basic building block for various biologically active compounds, including neurotransmitters (like, serotonin and melatonin) and psychedelics.

Where in the body can we find endogenous DMT?

1) The brain: Several authors have hypothesized that DMT secreted from the pineal gland might give rise to:

  • Dreams
  • Mystical states
  • Various sensations associated with near-death experiences

2) The lungs: Surprisingly, the lungs contain the highest amount of the enzyme that produces DMT.

What is the function of endogenous DMT?

Endogenous DMT might have a bigger role during brain development than in adult functioning, as it seems to be most active while the brain is still growing and developing.

The research is ongoing, and we need more information to understand how exactly it works.

What is the function of endogenous DMT?

Helping Brain Growth: Some scientists found that DMT can actually help parts of brain cells called dendrites and dendritic spines to grow. These parts are important for brain cells to communicate with each other. DMT can also help create new connections between brain cells.

More research is needed to fully understand this.

Reducing harm when taking DMT

While DMT itself is not known to be highly toxic, it effects brain functioning in powerful ways during a trip. It’s always recommended to be in the company of a “trip sitter”, ideally a clinician when consuming DMT.

As of this writing, DMT is scheduled in most jurisdictions. Illicit suppliers don’t always sell what they say they’re selling. A DMT test kit can help you rule out substances misrepresented as DMT.

DMT Test Kit »