How to Test Amphetamine (Speed)

Amphetamine can’t be identified reliably with the naked eye. We recommend testing amphetamine with 3 tests. The first two identify amphetamine and help rule out compounds mis-sold as amphetamine. The third test can differentiate between amphetamine and methamphetamine.

  1. The primary test for amphetamine is the Marquis test. Which yields an orange/red color if amphetamine is present.
  2. The second step is to use the Liebermann test, which yields an orange color.
  3. Finally, to differentiate amphetamine from methamphetamine, use the Simon’s test. Simon’s turns blue with methamphetamine and doesn’t change color with amphetamine.

Simon’s is a two part test, first use a drop of “Simon’s A”, followed immediately by a drop of “Simon’s B”.

We provide an amphetamine test kit package with all three tests.

Amphetamine Test Kit »

Consider getting the Froehde reagent as an extra test to check for cuts. It reacts with most powders, but doesn’t react with amphetamine.

For a visual demonstration, please see the following:

Meth/Amphetamine Test Kit Package Video Demo

Amphetamine Color Reactions